Member-only story
Why I Appreciate Concepts Like Mental Health Awareness Month
This week a year ago, I was terminated from the position that served as my motivation for attending law school in the first place. I felt that they had been retaliating against me for months due to my complaint of being denied a reasonable accommodation (I requested a desk riser to help me fight my narcolepsy and stand up to continue working when I felt sleepy. They signed off acknowledging exactly what they would provide me, and then months later, they rolled in a nurse’s crash cart …into my attorney office… claiming that would do… A nurses’ crash cart is the same thing the nurse rolled into your/your wife’s maternity suite when your kid was born.) Well, they disagreed with me, so much so that they gave a different reason each time they were asked. The reason given to the Department of Labor to deny my family access to unemployment benefits was that I acted “against the interest of the [my former employer].” They gave a few reasons to the EEOC, including that they fired me because I sent the judge and defense attorney an email that was sensitive in nature and implicitly malicious against the [my former employer] Office.. And the reason they gave me, when they fired me, was that I threw the [my former employer] under the bus to cover my *expletive* with the State Bar.
What was this implicitly malicious action concerning a sensitive subject that went against my former employer’s interest and threw her under the bus?